This school year has started off with a bang! It's been excited to see familiar faces and meet new friends. Many teachers are committed to getting their students familiar with technology tools as they establish classroom routines. Below are just a handful of the ways students at JGES and HCES have started using technology in the learning process during these first two weeks of school. Stay tuned throughout the year to see how students will use these tools to redefine their learning experiences.
Third Grade is Going to be Awesome!
Third graders got to know their classmates better through the use of Seesaw. Students took a selfie and then recorded information about themselves, including things they were excited about for the new school year and worries that they still had. After recording students listening to one another's work to better understand their peers and build a stronger classroom community.
A Student Records |
Students Listen to their Classmates' Work |
All About Our Class
Second grade students created picture collages of aspects of their classroom that were important to them using the app Pic Collage. The collages were then uploaded to Seesaw to share with their parents the different components of their learning environment.
Pic Collages in the Works |
How to be "Paw"some
Second grade students shared how they would be "paw"some tigers this upcoming school year. They worked in pairs to record themselves in Seesaw so that they could share their ideas with their families and classmates.
"Paw"some Tigers Helping One Another |
Even the youngest tiger cubs have started learning to use the app Seesaw to share what they know. This week a couple of kindergarten classes used the drawing and recording features of the app to illustrate squares and triangles and record the names of and defining characteristics of the shapes.
Tiger Cubs at Work |
Recording What She's Learned about Shapes |
Beauty is Everywhere
Fourth grade students have been looking to find the good in one another and the world around them. During a walk around the building, students took photos of sights that exemplify beauty when examined closely. With keen eyes students found cicada shells, patterns in tree bark, uniqueness in pipes, and much more. Using the app Seesaw students recorded what they thought was so beautiful about the ordinary object they observed.
Cicada Shells were Found in this Tree |
Sharing their Findings |
Fifth grade students had a chance to share their curiosities by creating Shadow Puppets of questions they had about objects in our courtyard. They've been working to develop questions that could be used to guide scientific investigations. Students used what they've learned about developing these questions to use as they developed questions about everyday objects. For example, do certain types of soil make trees grow taller? The projects were then shared with families via Seesaw.
Scientists at Work |
I Wonder if this Tree... |
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